Thursday, March 4, 2010

History of Seni Silat Macan Pasrah

The Native Martial Arts of the Malay World

The term Silat (or sometimes Pencak Silat) is used as a reference to the native martial arts developed in the Malay archipelago and peninsular of Southeast Asia. It is said to have derived from the regions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Singapore and Brunei. The number of streams in silat counts up to several hundreds, with each having a distinct characteristic in terms of style and combat strategy- some taking a dance-like form, while others mimic the action of an inspired animal. This gives silat its unique feature as both an art form and a fighting skill.

Despite the differences in styles, most forms of silat teaches various techniques of neutralizing an aggressor, which includes striking, takedowns, joint manipulation and the use of weapons. This makes silat a comprehensive martial art, hence an effective form of self-defence.

Due to its growing popularity, Silat is practiced in many nations across the world on different perspectives. In the sporting arena, silat fighters (known as pesilat) compete in the categories of sparring and displays of artistic forms, matching their skills and wits against each other. Traditional events within the Malay community sports silat performances as a tribute to the host and guests.

The Javanese Fighting Art of the Tiger

- This is fighting system that combines 12 Sunda Pencak Silat styles. Penot, Selewar, Citembak, Cikilat, Cimonyet, Cioca, Cigundewa, Cikampret, Cikalong, Cimande, Pasrah and finally Macan forming the crux.

- Kyai Raden Haji Noor is heralded as the father to the Art of Macan Pasrah. He was a well-known martial art exponent in the Sunda region and also a royal descent from the Sultanate of Banten. He combines all 12 Sunda Silat styles after mastering it. He migrated to Malaya, settled in Caak, a state in Johor in 1928.

- Next in hierarchy is Kyai Raden Haji Noor adopted son, Sidon Bin Kassan. Then in 1971, Amjah Bin Kassim was proclaimed the new Master to the Art of Macan Pasrah, having learnt the art from Sidon Bin Kassan.

It was from that day onwards that the art began opening up for expansion.